Atlas Gunworks, South Burlington, VT

Welcome to the Atlas Gunworks collection of purpose built, high performance pistols and parts. Whether you are a world class competitor or just want the coolest pistol at the range, we are proud to offer a handgun model to suit you. We encourage you to explore the complete selection of Atlas Gunworks Handguns and find the perfect combination of function and performance.

The Area

These positions are at Atlas’ new headquarters and manufacturing facility located in South Burlington, Vermont.



·      Great public schools are available. Additionally, some of the surrounding towns qualify for the Vermont school choice program, meaning that residents with secondary age students have the option of sending their children to local public schools or to independent/private schools located within or outside the area.


Listing of Vermont towns with school choice.


Shopping and other items of interest.

·      South Burlington, Vermont. Home of several colleges, attractions and shopping located on the shores of Lake Champlain. It is the home of the University of Vermont, their medical school and hospital.  The greater Burlington area has a full complement of major retailers/big box stores.

·       Montpelier, Vermont. Vermont’s capital, less than 45 minutes from either location.

·      Outdoor sports. This is a great four season area for outdoor sports from fly fishing (Orvisheadquarters and school about an hour away), hiking in the Green Mountain National Forest or Appalachian Trail, downhill/cross country skiing, mountain biking and much more.

·       A full complement of churches, service clubs and volunteer opportunities are in the area.

·       Burlington has a great small metro area airport with direct flights to a variety of locations.

·       Montreal is a little over an hour away, providing an international flavor as well as an airport with a large number of international flight options. 


Real Estate. 

Real estate information for the greater Burlington, Vermont area.

Open Positions

        CNC Programmer

         Swiss Machine Programmer/Operator

Senior Project Engineer